
Revised Guide Distribution List

Here's the latest revision to the Guide Distribution List per emails I've received.

The guide distribution list resides under the "Info/forms" tab and is available to download, sort, etc.  Summer Guides are now in the office and ready for distribution, as well as additional Summer Camp schedules.  Please let me know if anyone is available to fill the slots that are empty on the distribution list or if there are any additional changes.  Thanks.


Latest Guide Distribution List

Attached is a link to the latest guide distribution list per changes that were mentioned in the P & D fellows' meeting last Saturday.  Due to current fellow vacancies, some of the distribution sites will need to be filled by other fellows.  Please review and let me know by email of any other changes that need to be made to the list. The guide distribution list will reside on this blog under the tab "Info/Forms".


Frames/books available from a collector

A large volume of frames with glass, mostly small frames suitable for photos and pastels, is available for a very reasonable price from collector Carol Mundy.  She also has many books on African American heritage available.  Please call her at 407-951-7586.


Large wooden frames available

Frames are made in Mexico, heavy wood, 24" x 36".  May need a little touch up or spray painted to a different color.  $15/ea. or five for $60.  Please call Gayle, 407-672-1001.


Art ideas from Henry's class

After Henry's fun class today and all the new ideas floating around, I stumbled upon this site from clothpaperscissors.com about making fabric from paper.  What a great way to combine all those interesting bits of paper/paintings/whatever into a form that can be stretched/sewn/embellished. And here's some more info about Citra Solv for artists.

More auction volunteers needed

Four more volunteers are needed for the silent auction positions at Crealde's upcoming fundraiser.  Also help is needed on Thursday, Sept 22 or Friday, Sept 23 with packing of the auction items and loading the vans.  If you can help or know someone that can, please contact Shelly Jenkins, 407-256-3934 or email: shelly@icafl.com